Sunday, April 27, 2008

About This Blog

This blog exists to provide articles and helpful hints for users of the Look What I Have Found website; a website that gives you a quick and easy way to search Ebay:

To use Look (the short name for Look What I Have Found), you call up the website, type in your keywords and click the Search Ebay button.

Or, you click on Quick Search to select from standard Ebay categories or to find items related by a common theme such as a wedding.

Currently, there are two versions:

As a partner of Ebay, Look makes exactly the same search of Ebay auctions and Ebay shops as if you entered through the standard Ebay interface.

So, what makes Look different?

Well, Look lets you get on with what you know best - searching for those bargains and rare items you can't find anywhere else. You just enter the site and search. There's no login or account to worry about and you can't get lost as everything is on a single page.

With Look, you can especially:
  • Search Ebay.
  • Track items you want to bid on.
  • Monitor Ebay for new items.
  • View Hot Items other users are bidding on.
And, in addition:
Get the results you want by using Look now! Good Searching.

Search Ebay

The Look What I Have Found website is the fast way for you to search Ebay.

You just enter the Look site(the short name for Look What I Have Found), type your keywords into the Search box and click on the Search Ebay button.

Or, you can click on Quick Search to use the standard Ebay categories or to find items related by a common theme such as a wedding

When Look makes a search it includes items from both Ebay auctions and Ebay shops and displays all the results in a single, scrollable list.

If the search results are not exactly what you want or too many items are returned, you may refine your search using the suggestions given in Refine your search or Alternative searches:

Otherwise, you may repeat your search by adding more specific keywords or using the Search Shortcuts.

Track Items You Want To Bid On

Using the Look What I Have Found website, you can easily track items you are watching or bidding on by putting copies of the details in the Watch List!

Using the List means that you do not have to keep repeating your search or move to other pages to find out what is happening.

To put items in the list, make a search, scroll through the results, and when you find an item you want to watch or bid on, click on the Watch It! button listed alongside:

You can review all the items in the List at any time by clicking on the Watch List icon:

Whilst the Watch List is displayed, you can click on the:

  • Refresh List button to update date, time and bidding details.
  • Delete button to remove an item from the Watch List.
  • Close List button to close the Watch List.
  • Go to Ebay Now! button to Quick Link to Ebay to bid on or buy an item.
Note that the details in the Watch List are NOT automatically updated - every time you re-display the list, you MUST click on the Refresh List button to ensure the details are up-to-date.

If you are not watching any items, the Watch List icon is not displayed.

Monitor Ebay For New Items

Using the RSS feed on the Look What I Have Found website, you can be updated with details about items you are interested in as soon as they are posted on Ebay.

A great way for getting in there first.

All you need to do is make a search and if you can't find what you want, click on the RSS icon to monitor Ebay for new items:

You may be asked to select the RSS reader that you want to use (subscribe to), and to enter a name to identify the search. Do this, and click OK:

On my system, I subscribe to the RSS feed using Live Bookmarks and save my links in a folder called Bookmarks Toolbar Folder, listed under the Bookmarks menu.

The search results are saved and, from then on, they are updated with any matching items as soon as they are posted on Ebay.

You can view the updated search list at any time and see what is new. The viewing format will be governed by your browser and by the reader system that you use.

If an item comes in that you want, you can Quick Link to Ebay to view, bid or buy.

View Hot Items

When you make a search using the Look What I Have Found website, the search also lists those items that other users are bidding on and displays the best ten for you to view:

If you are interested in one of the Hot Items, you can click anywhere on the text or image to go to Ebay where you can view, bid or buy it. See Quick Links.

Display Buy-It-Now Items

When you complete a search using the Look What I Have Found website, the search results are sorted into Best Match order.

You can change this order by simply clicking on the relevant tab - the response is instant. You can choose from Cheapest, Ending Soon or New Listing order. And, for each of these, you can toggle to show Buy It Now items only:

To view more details about an item, you can either click anywhere on the image or on the Go to Ebay Now button. This takes you to the Ebay site where you can view, bid or buy. See Quick Links.

Scroll Through Search Results

When you make a search using the Look What I Have Found website, the search results are displayed in a scrollable list which you can move through using the scroll bars.

The position of each item in the list is shown together with its auction date, current price, current bid and seller location:

To view more details about an item, you can either click anywhere on the image or on the Go to Ebay Now button. Both options takes you to the Ebay site where you can view, bid or buy. See Quick Links.

Apply Search Shortcuts

The Look What I Have Found website is the fast way for you to search Ebay.

But, are you lazy when searching? Do you just type in something, anything, and see what happens? I often do.

Thinking I would like to improve the situation, I tracked down a few search shortcuts guaranteed to produce more meaningful results. They are fairly easy to remember. You might like to try them too.

They are:

Details on using the minus sign, quotes, asterisk and brackets are given below.

Of course, you can always improve your search by entering more keywords. So, instead of just entering ipod or even black ipod, you could enter 80gb black ipod.

Likewise, instead of entering kaiser chiefs tickets, you could enter kaiser chiefs tickets london. This makes the search more relevant to what you are looking for and reduces the number of unwanted items.

Whatever method you choose, good searching.

Minus sign -
One of the most useful methods for excluding those irritating accessories that seem to creep into any search is the minus sign.

This sign will exclude specified items from your search results, e.g. entering mobile phone -sony will exclude sony phones from the search results.

Entering mobile phone -cable-battery will exclude both cable and battery entries from the search results:

You can choose to exclude multiple items by enclosing the keywords in brackets and separating each word with a comma, e.g. mobile phone -(cable,battery,charger).

When using the minus sign, make sure there is no space between the brackets, the commas and the keywords.

Quotes "..."
A search will try to make things easier for you by making certain decisions on your behalf, for example, it will expand your keywords to include the plural form of a word unless you specify otherwise. So, if you enter book, your search will automatically find items with both book and books in the title.

Also, a search will automatically bring back related items, e.g. car radio will bring back any items with car and radio in its title as well as car radios.

When you want an exact match with your keywords, you have to enclose the keyword or phrase in quotes, e.g. "book", "car radio".

When you do this, the search will only bring back those items that exactly match - it will not bring back other versions, shortened versions, plurals, or mis-spellings.

Asterisk *
Do you find that you know a word but are unsure how to spell it?

You can use the asterisk to represent those difficult bits, e.g. sony erics* to find items with sony ericsson in the title. You can also use the asterisk to find all forms of a word, e.g. book* will find items with books, bookmarks and bookshelf in the title:

When using the asterisk, make sure there is no space between the asterisk and the letters you want it to represent.

Brackets (...)
You can search for more than one item at a time by enclosing the keywords within brackets, e.g. (shoes,boots) will bring back items with shoes or boots in the title, and with shoes and boots in the title.

And (shoes,boots,slippers) will bring back those items with any combination of shoes, boots or slippers in the title, and with shoes, boots and slippers in the title:

When using brackets, make sure there are no spaces between the commas and the keywords

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Quick Link To Ebay

As a partner of Ebay, the Look What I Have Found website supports all bidding and payments through the Ebay site.

So, when you have made your search and found an item you want, you can go directly to Ebay without needing to exit from Look; you just click on the item or on the Go to Ebay Now button.

The item is then displayed in an Ebay window for you to view, bid or buy. Whilst in this window, you can use the Back to homepage arrow to display other Ebay pages.

When you have finished in Ebay, you can return to the Look site by closing the window using the cross in the right hand corner:

If you do not have an existing account with Ebay, you can set one up easily using the Join Ebay link on the logo at the top of the page or by scrolling down to an option in the left hand panel.

Locate A Seller

When you find an item using the Look What I Have Found website, you can locate the geographic location of the seller easily and quickly; a particularly important option when you have transport costs to consider.

To find a location, you make a search and display the item you are interested in, then click on the map icon listed there:

A detailed map of the seller's location is displayed in a separate window. Use the arrows in the left hand corner to pan around the map and to zoom in and out.

Clear the map by clicking on the cross in the right hand corner.